Liceul Tehnologic Virgil Madgearu Region Sud Muntenia City ROSIORI DE VEDE | |
madgearurosiori.ro |
Our school is situated in Rosiori de Vede small town, in the south-east part of Romania.
Nowadays our school has 760 students, distributed in 27 classes, daily learning/studying, with the following specializations: Ecologist and Environment Quality Protection, Economic Activities Technician, Commerce Activities, Technician Tourism Technician.
Every year, the mission of 42 teachers is the same: development of maximum potential of each student, development of necessary social and professional insertion of professional abilities. As main strategic objectives included in the Action Plan of School, we mention: Increasing of economic professional training system flexibility according to European standards; assurance of management quality, continuous training of didactic staff in economic business.
We operate in 15 classrooms equipped with smart boards, 4 laboratories, of which two IT laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art computers, internet connection throughout the school, and a gym.